Clinical research for people. Clinical research for tomorrow.
To foster healthcare innovation and advancement by facilitating clinical research under the three core principles of volunteer protection, scientific validity and data integrity.
笃 志 力 行 |
P | eople-oriented | 以人为本 |
A | ppreciation | 嘉言孔彰 | |
S | ynergy | 同心同德 | |
S | trategy | 运筹帷幄 | |
I | ntellectual | 溯源穷流 | |
O | pen-minded | 虚怀若谷 | |
N | ovel | 日新又新 |
临危救急马当先 | Volunteer protection is our priority, |
床前诊疗赖科研 | Evidence-based practice is founded on science; |
试炼安全与成效 | Confirming safety and efficacy relies on data integrity, |
验证福泽百千年 | Good clinical research benefits people for eternity. |